merging the year 2020 with december of 2019

return the dates from 2019-12-22 to 2020-12-21 - four seasons (winter,spring,summer,fall)

droping times with minutes

there is 364 day * 24 hour = 8763 hour a year; we have 8492 hours, this means there is 8763-8492=244 missing hours which means missing records as well, the equivalent of around ten days.

heatmap showing the temperature at all times during January

histogram plot of hourly temperatures all year round and january contribution

minimum, maximum and mean temperatures for each day during January


correlation map which shows a positive relationship between (temperature, visibility),(pressure, humidity) and a negative relastionship between (temperature, humidity),(temperature, pressure)

scale down pressure values for better visuals

subplots for positive and negative correlations on a monthly basis. humidity and temperature have a perfect inverse relationship

line scatter chart for each season and for all four seasons

set global variables instead of redundancy

heatmap for the winter